Ep053: How to ditch generational stereotypes and optimize leadership with Jessica Kriegel

Ep053: How to ditch generational stereotypes and optimize leadership with Jessica Kriegel

In this episode of the TalentGrow Show, Jessica Kriegel, author of Unfairly Labeled: How Your Workplace Can Benefit From Ditching Generational Stereotypes, explains everything wrong with the idea of generational differences. She shows how most of the information we read and hear about generational differences is actually built on a “bed of lies”—scant anecdotal research, contradictions, and oversimplification. In her interesting discussion with host Halelly Azulay, Jessica offers insights from her own research and specific examples to show us the ways we’re harming ourselves and our businesses by clinging to what amounts to stereotyping and bias. Jessica offers actionable advice and calls on us all to completely ditch this type of labeling, suggesting it can be life-changing!

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Ep052: Relentlessly Irrational – the Conditions for Great Leadership with Global Business Celebrity Jeffrey Hayzlett

Ep052: Relentlessly Irrational – the Conditions for Great Leadership with Global Business Celebrity Jeffrey Hayzlett

Jeffrey Hayzlett is the man of many titles (global business celebrity, primetime TV host, business podcast host) but today he explains how he has built numerous companies, made it to the C-level of a fortune 100 company and is transforming corporate media with the C-Suite Network (of which I am a proud member!) His philosophy of irrational leadership and risk-taking have allowed him to relentlessly scale his businesses to global levels. Jeffrey reveals the most critical ingredient for leadership success, what he calls “conditions for satisfaction,” and what he’s learned from interviewing America’s top celebrity business leaders that you can apply to your own leadership approach right now. Listen now!

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Ep051: Leadership Advice from America’s Top Banker & CEO with John Allison

Ep051: Leadership Advice from America’s Top Banker & CEO with John Allison

Before he was named a recent contender for Secretary of Treasury, John Allison served as CEO of BB&T, America’s 10th largest bank for almost 20 years during which time he led the company to grow from $4.5B to $152B in assets. The Harvard Business Review has recognized John as one of the top 100 most successful CEOs. In today’s episode of the TalentGrow Show, John shares his incredible insights on seizing the opportunity in front of you, choosing character over genius when hiring, and handling low performers in an organization. He discusses his personal philosophy of success that led him from bank teller to CEO and an in-depth look at how Allison built important core values into the BB&T organization from the ground up. John talks about how to triple employee productivity, the biggest mistake leaders make today, and how he has discovered the most critical factor in motivating human action.

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Ep050 [The FLIPPED episode!]: Halelly Azulay is interviewed about her career, developing leaders, and going from light-bulbs to impact by guest host Margarita Rozenfeld

Ep050 [The FLIPPED episode!]: Halelly Azulay is interviewed about her career, developing leaders, and going from light-bulbs to impact by guest host Margarita Rozenfeld

In episode 50 the tables turn on your host Halelly Azulay as she is interviewed by fellow podcaster Margarita Rozenfeld, CEO of Incite International and host of the Leadership Insights podcast. Margarita asks Halelly some of the questions she has asked almost 50 guests over the two years of hosting The TalentGrow Show. On this episode, Halelly explains why she LOVES those light-bulb moments, and why they’re never enough (and what else is needed). She shares her early career aspirations (you might be surprised) and what she’s learned about leadership and employee development done right through her 25 years of work with hundreds of clients and thousands of learners. Plus, she shares an actionable tip that will help you harvest your career stories for greater satisfaction and success!

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Ep048: How to rewire your brain and help others build new habits with Meredith Bell

Ep048: How to rewire your brain and help others build new habits with Meredith Bell

This week on the TalentGrow Show our guest is Meredith Bell, the co-founder and president of Performance Support Systems, a global software company. Meredith is passionate about helping leaders to develop strong, healthy, solid relationships that stand the test of time. On today’s episode, Meredith shares with host Halelly Azulay ways to impact company culture through change. She discusses why it’s hard to change long-held habits and how to rewire the brain to make new habits stick. Meredith also describes a specific series of coaching questions you can use to help those you lead to be successful at making a change. Meredith’s ideas are highly actionable for leaders like to you enact visible change and improvement in yourself and your workplace.

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Ep046: How to Build Strategic Career Relationships -- Leadership Tips from Master Executive Coach Suzi Pomerantz

Ep046: How to Build Strategic Career Relationships -- Leadership Tips from Master Executive Coach Suzi Pomerantz

Whether you are at the beginning, middle, or prime of your leadership career, navigating the political landscape in many organizations can be frustrating and depleting. Have no fear: Master Executive Coach and best-selling author Suzi Pomerantz, who is one of the pioneers of the coaching profession, joins host Halelly Azulay to talk about how to lead ‘difficult people’, cultivate effective strategic career relationships, and specific tips to move your career ahead by being connected to the right people in the right way. Plus, listen to the end to hear a special announcement and invitation from Halelly to an exciting new offering just for listeners of the podcast!

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Ep045: How to Be the Boss Everyone Wants to Work For with William Gentry

Ep045: How to Be the Boss Everyone Wants to Work For with William Gentry

Being a new manager is hard. Both William (Bill) Gentry and host Halelly Azulay have experienced it personally. In this episode, they discuss the insights from that hard hands-on experience as well as lots of research from Bill’s work with new leaders and the data from his organization, The Center for Creative Leadership, as well as his new book, Be the Boss Everyone Wants to Work For. There are a gazillion leadership skills you could develop, but Bill cuts through the noise to the six areas and four skills you should focus your leadership development efforts to make the biggest impact on your ability to succeed in your role and be the boss everyone wants to work for. Learn specific tips for how to manage your former BFFs, how to get your former ‘promotion competitors’ to support you, the important types of conversations you need to be having with your new staff, pronto, and more. Check it out, subscribe, and share!

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Ep043: Career, Culture, and Influence Hacks with Robert Richman

Ep043: Career, Culture, and Influence Hacks with Robert Richman

Robert Richman is a culture strategist who was the co-creator of Zappos Insights, the program that taught other companies the secrets behind Zappos’ amazing employee culture. He’s also an author and speaker and a phenomenal storyteller, as you will soon hear. In his fun and engaging conversation with host Halelly Azulay, you’ll learn the number one misconception leaders have about culture and how to avoid it. He’ll address specific ways you can have a positive impact on culture in your organization even if you’re not sitting at the top, and the importance of staying true to your core values. They talk about how to be more influential and persuasive, and Robert shares his exciting new project, the X-pill – it’s definitely unique, so check it out. Plus, as we do on every episode of the TalentGrow Show podcast, he ends with a very actionable tip you can use to take your own leadership skills to the next level. Listen and enjoy (and be sure to answer Halelly’s question at the end)!

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Ep041: How to be an inspirational manager with Isabelle Lord

Ep041: How to be an inspirational manager with Isabelle Lord

Isabelle Lord, author, trainer, professional certified coach, and herself a manager, speaks with host Halelly Azulay about how to be an inspirational manager – with a focus on actionable (rather than esoteric) advice. She shares some of the ways to do that based on her best-selling and newly translated book, The Inspirational Manager: The 10 Rules of Leadership Communication. She provides specific tips, techniques, and examples for very tangible steps you can take to become more inspirational and effective in your communication as a leader. And listen at the end for your two free gifts – one from Isabelle and one from Halelly!


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Ep039: the what, why, & how of mentoring – a conversation with Don Watkins

Ep039: the what, why, & how of mentoring – a conversation with Don Watkins

Host Halelly Azulay leads a peer-to-peer conversation with author, philosopher, and thinker Don Watkins (who was also featured on ep026) about mentoring. They chat about what mentoring is, how to get a mentor, how to become a mentor, and how to overcome the fear of asking for mentorship. They discuss how to ensure a good value exchange as well as common mistakes people make in asking a mentor for their help and in ensuring they ask for just the right kind of input – not too much or too little. What’s really in it for the mentor? Don and Halelly share advice and stories from their careers about being mentees/protégés as well as mentors, and of course actionable tips and advice you can put to use immediately to give and get more value out of the mentoring relationships in your life. Take a listen and share with others!


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Ep036: Fierce Leadership, Radical Transparency, and Deeper Human Connectivity with Susan Scott

Ep036: Fierce Leadership, Radical Transparency, and Deeper Human Connectivity with Susan Scott

Susan Scott, best-selling author and leadership development architect explains what fierce conversations are, why it’s important that we have them (a lot!), and a common obstacle we all face and how to overcome it when having these types of conversations – both at work in your personal lives. In her conversation with The TalentGrow Show host Halelly Azulay, Susan also talks about how to be open and more transparent and invite this kind of openness from others (and what some of us might be doing to hinder that). She explores why she thinks careful conversations are almost always failed conversations. They also discuss the concept of radical transparency, which Susan advocates, and the difference between fierce leaders and other leaders. And of course, Susan shares one actionable suggestion that will help you upgrade your leadership and will make a HUGE difference in the quality of your conversations and your relationships. You should really begin doing it, today!

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Ep035: Workplace Poker – how to handle backstabbers and promote yourself positively (without being like Donald Trump) with Dan Rust

Ep035: Workplace Poker – how to handle backstabbers and promote yourself positively (without being like Donald Trump) with Dan Rust

What’s wrong with just doing great work and minding your own business? Do we really have to engage in the ‘game under the game’ happening every day in every job and every workplace? Yes, in his interview on the TalentGrow Show with host Halelly Azulay, Dan Rust says you *must* actively play the game because otherwise, you’re just getting played. He describes what he means by Workplace Poker – the title of his latest book – and gives super specific, very actionable and granular advice. You’ll learn how to effectively handle backstabbers and how to promote yourself and increase your success and career growth in a positive way that doesn’t involve acting like a pompous Donald Trump or tooting your own horn. You’ll emerge with tons of ideas for ways you can boost your career success right away, so give this episode a listen now!

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Ep034: How to be a Great People Manager – Learn from One Manager’s Leadership Development Quest with Jeremy Epstein

Ep034: How to be a Great People Manager – Learn from One Manager’s Leadership Development Quest with Jeremy Epstein

Jeremy Epstein is not a leadership expert – he’s a marketing expert (and a great one at that). He is a real-life, in-the-trenches leader who has embarked on a self-development journey to become a better people manager. He has chosen a very unique approach to both how he is sourcing advice and in sharing his journey. And in this fast-moving, robust conversation with The TalentGrow Show’s host Halelly Azulay, Jeremy shares his approach and some of his insights that have been yielding spectacular results in his own leadership development journey, in the hopes of inspiring you to do the same. You’ll get more than inspiration, though – you’ll get really specific, actionable ideas and advice for how to take your own people management and leadership skills to the next level! Take a listen now!

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Ep033: Courageous Leadership with Bill Treasurer

Ep033: Courageous Leadership with Bill Treasurer

In this episode Halelly talks with Bill Treasurer, author, speaker, and Chief Encouragement Officer of Giant Leap Consulting, about common leadership mistakes and his advice for becoming a more courageous leader. They discuss why fear has become the “four-letter F word” and why courage (coupled with morality) is so important. They get into an interesting conversation about the best approach to the tension in leadership advice between ‘be yourself’ and ‘fake it till you make it’ and why being congruent is really important (and Bill “sings” its praises… literally ;) ). And Bill suggests we take a stance against some lessons that were ingrained into us in our childhood – listen to find out which ones.

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Ep032: Maximize, don’t compromise -- Self-leadership and life lesson from the gym to your job [solo episode]

Ep032: Maximize, don’t compromise -- Self-leadership and life lesson from the gym to your job [solo episode]

In this short solo episode of the TalentGrow Show podcast, host Halelly Azulay shares a personal story about how a lesson she learned at her CrossFit gym perfectly encapsulates her self-leadership philosophy and why you can apply it to your life and your job (and everything in between). She also mentions her favorite Michelangelo quotation and hopes you’ll be inspired to maximize, not compromise. Finally, she shares her most recent iTunes review – it’s pretty awesome!

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Ep031: The Coaching Habit – How to Say Less, Ask More, and Lead Better through 10 Minute Coaching Conversations with Michael Bungay Stanier

Ep031: The Coaching Habit – How to Say Less, Ask More, and Lead Better through 10 Minute Coaching Conversations with Michael Bungay Stanier

This is a conversation with a funny man, and it’s fast-moving so hold on to your hat! Michael Bungay Stanier, an award-winning and sought-after coach, author, and speaker, talks with Halelly Azulay about his latest book, The Coaching Habit. Michael wants us leaders to learn to stay a little more curious a little longer and rush to ideas and advice a little more slowly, which will ultimately let us be more effective and work less hard. He teaches us three of the seven coaching questions from his book that will help you have better coach-like conversations that take 10 minutes or less. We discuss the neuroscience of engagement, ways to help people get more ‘Ahas’ to cement their insights and learning, and the kind of question we should all try to avoid. Finally, as in every episode of The TalentGrow Show, Michael shares a highly actionable piece of advice to help you upgrade your leadership skills right away – this one in answer to a listener’s question.


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Ep030: How to be a Go-Giver Leader with Bob Burg

Ep030: How to be a Go-Giver Leader with Bob Burg

Is there a difference between taking leadership and giving leadership? And, if so, does it really make that big a difference in your ability to lead? My guest says “yes” to both! Best-selling author Bob Burg is a sought-after speaker at company leadership and sales conferences sharing the platform with everyone from today’s business leaders and broadcast personalities to even a former U.S. President. In this fast-paced conversation, Bob describes the five keys to legendary leadership from his book, The Go-Giver Leader, and the importance of creating a win-win value trade the core of all your interactions. We even discuss the purpose of life, the key to happiness, a common mistake leaders make, and one actionable tip that will stretch you to become an even better leader.

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Ep029: How to lead virtual teams, write better emails, and grow your career by being a great corporate leader while writing books and blogs on the side with Hassan Osman

Ep029: How to lead virtual teams, write better emails, and grow your career by being a great corporate leader while writing books and blogs on the side with Hassan Osman

Once again we have a great role model on the TalentGrow Show for how you can build an excellent leadership career in two parallel tracks. Hassan Osman is not just a successful leader of teams in a large corporation, he’s also a successful author and blogger who is building a brand and adding value to a growing tribe of followers in his free time, all while having a family and a life. We discuss why (and how) he does it as well as dig into some of his areas of expertise covered in his two Amazon best-selling books. Hassan shares specific and actionable tips about leading virtual teams and improving the effectiveness of your emails, and a great final tip for ratcheting up your leadership and career success through a simple daily practice.

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