Harness the power of your emotional intelligence!

Harness the power of your emotional intelligence!

You've heard the term emotional intelligence (aka EQ) bandied around. Do you know what it means? If not, you might have fallen for the common myth that being emotionally intelligent means being more emotional. That's really not the case. What being emotionally intelligent actually means is becoming more aware of your own and others' emotions, increasing your capacity to manage your own emotions and take into account those of others, so that you can increase your ability to be more, not less, rational in your actions. Your communication and your relationships will improve when you harness your emotional intelligence!

Read this post to learn more about what EQ is and how to harness it for improved communication.

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News: Halelly Azulay certified to administer the Bar-On EQ-i instrument

I've just successfully completed a certification program in the most popular of all Emotional Intelligence tools -- the EQ-i or Emotional Quotient Inventory. The program was excellent and I enjoyed learning and growing my skills and knowledge - it's one of my favorite things to do, considering 'Love of Learning' is my #3 signature strength! (I've discussed it here.)

While I've been using the concepts of Emotional Intelligence in my work for years and am already certified in another EQ instrument, the Index on Emotional Intelligence, this new certification fortifies my understanding and ability to help leaders, teams, organizations and individuals become more effective in all aspects of work and life.

This instrument, based on the Model of Emotional Intelligence formulated by clinical psychologist, Reuven Bar-On, PhD, is administered online and is valid and reliable. It is actionable: it offers a rich portrait of how engaged we are with each of fifteen behaviors and habits that allow us to use emotions in a rational, positive, and constructive way that helps us build healthy and productive relationships. In working with it, we can better understand ourselves and identify and prioritize ways to improve our effectiveness and satisfaction by letting emotions (our own and others') work FOR us instead of AGAINST us.

If you would like to learn more about this tool and how it can help you and your organization become more effective, please call us for a free consultation today.

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