Diamonds in your back yard: How to get really rich (Hint: it’s a metaphor)

Diamonds in your back yard how to get really rich hint its a metaphor Halelly Azulay TalentGrow blog

Right before the winter holidays began, I made a trip to Irving, Texas, to facilitate one of ATD’s Certificate Programs, Consulting Skills, with a health care company client there. A wonderful group of workplace learning and talent development professionals participated in the two day program.

jar of diamonds gift from Jodi

During the second day, I was impressed when I noticed one of the learners, Jodi, giving a unique, hand-crafted gift to all her colleagues (and surprised to receive one myself!).

It was a small glass jar filled with three layers: Black powder on the bottom, some rough unpolished clear crystals in the center, and diamond-like crystals of varying sizes on the top layer. All tied with a pretty red ribbon (see the photo on the right).

It sure was pretty, but there was more to it, and they all seemed to get it. There was some kind of an inside-story that went along with it.

I was intrigued, so I asked (I’m a curious person!).

As it turns out, just a week or two prior, the team had their annual holiday celebration team meal. Bennetta, the department’s leader, shared an inspirational story with them called Acres of Diamonds, famously told by Russell Conwell, founder of Temple University, and retold in this video by the beloved radio personality Earl Nightingale.

Take a few minutes to watch it now:

Here's the lovely hand-written card that Jodi gave with her gift.

Here's the lovely hand-written card that Jodi gave with her gift.

Okay, you might be thinking, "this is an old story. Really old, Halelly."

Yes, but it was new to me.

It was new to them.

And I thought it was meaningful so I figured I’ll share it with you in case you also never heard it, or just as a reminder of an oldie-but-goodie if you knew it before.

Of course, it’s just a fable, and we can find ways in which it’s flawed. But I think the main message it delivers, especially in how Earl Nightingale tells it, is useful to all of us today.

Plus, this thoughtful gift represented it so well that I wanted to share it here with you, in case it inspires you as well.

Your turn

What are your unmined diamonds just waiting around in your own back yard to be mined? How are you ALREADY RICH and just not focused on reaping the benefits of your existing riches? And what personal development actions are you inspired to take to maximize your potential now that you’ve heard this story?

Chime in below in the comments, and let’s get a conversation going!

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