Nurture your naysayers: How to lead people who resist your leadership [vlog]

Nurture Your Naysayers how to lead people who resist your leadership TalentGrow Halelly Azulay vlog

[Note: if you like to listen to learn, this post is also a podcast episode. Listen to it on episode 98!]

They don’t want to follow. They resist. What should you do with those naysayers?

In this short video blog (vlog), which I'm cross-posting as an 'Ask Halelly' podcast episode, I answer this question:

How Should I Lead People Who Don't Want To Follow?”

My answer might surprise you:

Could you... thank them?

Yes, I want to push you into a bit of discomfort today and get you to look at this situation with curiosity: how might resistant followers be doing you a favor in resisting? Naysayers can help you avoid bad decisions and maybe even disastrous results, if you truly listen to them.

Watch this very short video to learn:

  • How is this like being the captain of the Titanic?
  • What to do instead of following your knee-jerk reaction of resentment
  • How to nurture your naysayers
  • Why courageous leaders should develop courageous followers
  • How you can avoid CEO Disease (and what that is)  

Here’s the accompanying podcast episode over on the TalentGrow Show.

Here’s the blog post I mentioned that lays out what CEO Disease and 5 tips for nurturing your naysayers.

And here’s the episode with Ira Chaleff about courageous followership and intelligent disobedience.


  • Have you ever experienced this kind of situation - a non-follower resisting your leadership? What did you do and how did it turn out?
  • What do you think of my counterintuitive suggestion?
  • Would you like to submit a question for a future “Ask Halelly” episode? You can use the voice messaging widget right here on the website and then I can even play your audio (with your permission, of course) on the episode! Or you can send me an email, or a ‘contact us’ form on this site, or a comment-based question, or a tweet…. You get the picture. Anyway you like it, I would love to hear your question!

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