Hey LinkedIn Learner!! Thanks for taking my LinkedIn Learning video course about strengths and checking out my resources page including this Strength to Strength Activity Worksheet! It's based on my book and accompanying workshop and talk titled Strength to Strength: How Working from Your Strengths Can Help You Lead a More Fulfilling Life, and I'm happy to share it with you! In addition, I'll keep you posted on my latest work like my leadership and communication podcast episodes, blogs, videos, and articles. I can't wait to hear from you about how I can support your development! Below I’ve also included some links to a few of my favorite strengths-related books.
Just fill out your info in the form here and then check your email -- I'll send you a confirmation with a special link to download the activity right away!
Be sure to check out my leadership and self-development podcast, The TalentGrow Show - there's a new episode every Tuesday!
Also look over on my blog for lots of free resources to improve your leadership, communication, networking, and communication skills.
And of course, if you need a speaker for your event, some consulting on how to develop your team's or company's leadership and communication skills, or would like me to come to your organization and provide a workshop or team-building, I would LOVE to talk to you!! Just leave me a voicemail using the black tab on the right of the screen or the contact page right on the navigation menu!